
Showing posts from 2015

Vision Matters; Digital transformative vision matters even more

  Where there is no vision people perish, that is a verse from the bible.  Kotter in his paper, why transformation efforts fails, he identified key steps required to make your transformation journey as success.  One of them is to create a vision – the better people can envision where they are going, the more they can focus on specific initiatives that will make that vision a reality. Successful digital transformation starts at the top of the company.  Only the senior-most executives can create a compelling vision of the future and communicate it throughout the organisation.  Then the people in middle and lower levels can make a vision a reality.  The real benefits of transformation come from seeing potential synergies across silos and then creating conditions through which everyone can unlock that value.  Only senior executives are positioned to drive this kind of boundary-spanning change. One is big question is where should you focus you...
Data as the lifeblood for designing compelling customer experience I have been to different resorts, hotels and even banks where I am required to fill in the same form for every visit.  This irritates me as the customer, companies collects a tremendous amount of data about me and do not know how to use it to improve my experience.  Worse when I visit a physical store and I am told that they not responsible for or don’t have access to online transactions. The digital world has multiplied the sources and volume of data available to corporations.  There is a need to harness the wealth of structured and unstructured data from usage and social media.  The key is the ability to integrate this data to make better decisions, increase the quality of personalised experience, and create a true competitive advantage. Many companies are talking about Omni-channel yet they forget the Lifeblood that holds everything together is data .  Delivering these omni-cha...